The Signal Source COVID-19 Product Availability and Safety
The Signal Source does NOT expect significant disruption of deliveries of products. Our Texas warehouses have significant levels of product and are manned in an appropriate safe way to ensure individual health safety practices are implemented and meet delivery schedules as well. The same conditions are true for our California warehouse. The only condition that we foresee as a severe business disruption possibility would be if our carriers, UPS, Fed X, DHL etc. were to cease operating. We will update you immediately should anything change.
The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) featuring The Signal Source
Audible & Visual Signaling Triathlete Laura Day [PODCAST]
Introducing The Signal Source Podcast!
Listen to the 16 minute Podcast Welcome to the only podcast for signaling. Welcome to The Signal Source Podcast. The Signal Source is the leading independent distributor of hazardous location and explosion proof audible and visual signals for commercial, industrial and marine locations. As with the maiden voyage of this podcast, I want to introduce you to the star of the show, Rhett Day, President of The Signal Source. Rhett and his wife Laura have been in signaling most of their lives and just may be the most experienced signaling duo in the world. Where it began Rhett began working for...
The Signal Source now distributes E2S signals. E2S, a leading independent manufacturer of high performance audible and visual signals
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